went to school, as per usual.. then, after school, went to whitesands with michelle for awhile.. while hanging out there, guess who we saw??
MDM CHEAHH!!!! weeheee! hahaha. we're like so glad to bump into her laa! hahaha. and the cool thing is that, SHE REMEMBERED US! :D :D :D hehe. cool or what! cool laa abehh.. shes still as cool as ever mann.. (: haish.. missing her damn much.. those dirty jokes and lame jokes she ever shared with the class, 4years ago.. hahaha. maseh ingat ehh. shes the best english teacher one can ever ask for la. really. sorry mdm nazrene, not not-promoting u though.. hehh. (:
shit laa. we forgot to take a picture with her. hahaha. as memories laa. .
kayy. then after that went back home. cos i was gna meet amirah at 2.30pm at tamp. then suddenly he suggested that we go tamp together, cos he wanted to meet shahdap. i agreed. cos i wanted to meet amina also, cos i dont wna hold onto her mp4 and her brother's mp3 ani longer. takot hilaangg. haha. what to do, im careless. :/
blaablaablaaa. then met up with amirah at the mrt control station. then we head on to bugis. dah jalan2, shop2 for her stuffs, then we head on to penin. (: hehehe. now YOU know where i went, dont you.. hahaha :D saje jek tknk bilang.. lalalaaa~
after that went to whitesands to get my stationaries. and then head home. haha. basically the day out with amirah was great. we shared many stories. and i got to know her even better. shes really nice mann. hahaha. i mean, i already knew that fact. cume, just saying laa. diam laa. =/
so till here..
hehehe. take care peepsy. (:
we kinda bought the tickets mcm last minute, but luckily we got good seats. :D andand, the movie was kinda okay for me and iqa. cos we find ourselves shouting and screaming at the effects and stuffs. HAHAHA! and we even knocked our head together, while trying to cover our eyes from the scary scenes! hahaha!
but as usual laa, most of the time during the movie, we were basically cracking lame and stupid jokes. just so to make ourselves feel better and not feel super scared! hahaha! pathetic. :D it was a great outing with iqa. and we loved it! (:
so yeahh.. basically thats it. it was great. today is fun! (:
till here then peeps.
take care.. :D
continued to study.. breaks here and there.. standard.. hahaha. until she decided to make a move at around 7plus, i think. hahaha. basically, it was great laa eh iqa! :D
the studying DID helped me, in a way. but the paper i sat today was just SUCKY laa. to me. cos i made sooo mannyy careless mistakes.. mcm tak perlu sehh.. :( haish.. dont think i could get a distinction for the paper. and i dont have the confidence to. so yeahh, i really hope i dont have to retake the malay paper at the later part of the year.
anws, holidays had just begun. but i wouldnt call it holidays for my fellow schmates and i. cos the schedule we had is like, WOW. everyday have to go back to sch laa. and its like normal school days, the timing.. only that some days are earlier, and some days are abit later.. =/ haishh.
so till here..
take care people.. (:
how it kinda looked like there. (:
after that, we head on for bishan. cos "brother" had to go for work, at junction 8 swensens. :D soo, all of us went to work with him. hehehe. the plan that i knew of, was to go there, and get some ice creams for ourselves. and we did. and he was the one who served us. but what i didnt know, AFTER the ice cream was this.....................
HAHAHAHA! he came over to the table with the cake, singing the birthday song, together with the other 5 at the table! hahaha! mampos. malu siaa! kalau pelan tkpe. people were giving me those stares. hahaahaha. :D :D thanks thanks POS! really love u guys la! mcm nak nanges tau! really. tapi mcm tahan pon ader jgk ah. :D hehehhehehe.
that guy above, is my brother laa! :D not exactly blood brother, but, he really is like my own brother already. :D as childish as ever, as mengalemot as ever. but is as cute as ever. never fails to make people smile, when ever they are down, with his stupid actions. and i hope he and sister last long. eh kak eh? :D i love you too! <3
iqa, has got herself a new mobile phone. :( and its also super gorgeous and nice la! haish. MAAMAAAA! adik pon naaakk!! :D hehhe. lawa laa sehh. its nice to type too. tkpe uh, iqa, satu hari kite trade eh? :D hehe. tk boleh tkpe.. kite balek! hahaha. :D
so basically, thats how i spend my beautiful sunday with my lovely and beloved POS. :D
till some other time,
take care people. (:
byebye. :D
* anw, the guy i meant was... AZZY! :D hehehe. what a surprise! gees.
and dear girl, this shows u how much i treasure u, our friendship and ur gifts eyy? haaha. what u gave me exactly a year ago, is still in the same shape and situation as how it is now. :D hehehe. of course dah penah bukak and see whats inside la, but i wrapped it back. (:
this, is what juz gave me. heehehe. cute eh? :D a bag of sweets, and also this two cute little something, im not sure what. hahaha. but extremely cute! :D
so till here,
till next time,
take care people.
byebye. <3
this, a lepak session, on the 2nd last day of exams. haha.
this, is today. :D and of course, i rememberd it vividly. (:
dah lepak, then after that naek alek, change back. then din came. wahlau, datang jek bagi muke masam, prangai mcm TOOT. luckily my mood wasnt swinging tadi, if not the situation cudve been worst. but i managed to make him be himself again. so yeah, things were fine. :D he teman-ed me repair akak's handphone. then sent me home. :D
didnt know playing "pepsi-cola" in the bus on the journey home could be so much fun. :D hehehe. and u, suke kan kacau orang maen corner! hahahaha! we were practically laughing at this one girl, who was asleep. and the head went swing2 all around 360 degrees. very cute tau! hahaha. tak baek siaa. gees. =/
so till here,
u guys take care hor! :D
byebye! tralalalaaaa!~