Monday, June 09, 2008
1st day ; ( 06.08.08)

woke up late, and couldnt find my phy TYS practical book. that morning started off kinda badly, that it actually made me felt like not going for the Troop Camp after school. and i havent packed my bag. -.-
but with lynn's persuading me after ss class, i decided to be there. (: cos was looking forward to meeting faridah! :D and i couldnt bear to miss this last chance of mine to be in a camp with the people and committee that ive always loved the most. (:
so yeahh, went home after physics practical, hurriedly packed my bag and left for camp at 3plus, i think. =/ and i was sick laa can. the flu totally sucked when ur in camp.

and thats valarie, the now APL for Tiger Patrol. :D well u know what, i feel like asking sir to take back the PL rank from ardhi, and give it to valarie instead. cos he didnt attend the camp, NOR the ceremony. which just showed how much he wanted the rank la kan. hes attendance also not that excellent. i mean, i would of course want to leave Tiger in good hands right. it sucked to have a PL who doesnt show his/her concerns to the member. (: cheyy miraa! hahaha.

heh, thats chen weixin. (: I LOVE HER HAIR. ;D
so yeahh. anw when i reached the school, they were doing camp development. blaablaablaa. standard laa, first day is always based on camp development and stuffs like that. then around in the evening, around 7plus, zadkiel, lynnie, jeremy and i went to cycle to LP to get some candles for our night walk, and some gas cans for their cooking stove.
boy, were we super happy to be able to get out of that school for once. hahaha! :D then, seeing that what we wanted is not available there, we then cycled to central. hehs. and u know, some people are just meant to be run over with the bicycles. irritating. =/
then we came back. asked them to take a bathe, while we set up the candles. scary stuffs happened, cos they scared me. but it was funny la. hahaha.
there were 9 of us i think, setting up the candles. so i was thinking, instead of all 9 standing there lighting up 1 candle, i actually went ahead of them alone into the dark to light another one. then jeremy said,
jeremy: eh, amirah, why u walking alone in front?
bernie: huh? where got amirah? that one not amirah la..
hahaha. upon hearing that, my hair was already standing. my eyes was already starting to look around seeing if theres anione else around me, then i ran to join them back. hahaha! busted sia bernie! purposely wna scare people. asshole. (:
there are other times when he scared me, when zadkiel and i were doing our last rounding around the route. hahaha. funny laa. (:
then after that, they went to sleep. the PLC took a bathe. then some of us, jeremy, DANIEL (AH HUAT), zadkiel, lynn, junwei and i, together with some ventures went to central to have their supper. and we were back in school at 3 in the morning. HAHAHA! (:
2nd day:

woke up at 7 in the morning. didnt have a really great sleep cos i kept waking up every now and then.. -.-
went to brush teeth and wash face and everything, then changed to full u. cos i was told that we are to report by 7.40am. and yes, I DIDNT MANDI FIRST! hahahaaha. no time laa. who bathes in the morning at camp anw! hahaha. :p
then skali rain. so we didnt do flagbreak that morning. and the PLC was kinda got scolded, cos the camping standard was kinda low. and i had to agree to sir laa. but its also not TOTALLY our fault. so yeahh.. we were told to help them with their structures and tents after the rain had stopped. and we did. then it rained again. -.-
blaaablaablaa. then we prepared for the investiture. yeahh, now the sec1s are officially members of CUON scouts sehh. :D hahaha. after the investiture, we had our dinner, and then comes the CAMPFIRE!! weeehheeeeee!~ sat together with junwei, zadkiel and lynn, and weixin. (: hahaha. overall the campfire was fun, cos all of us were very hyper and in our retarded mood. so yeahh, we participated actively. :D

after campfire, we were told to change in our PT kit. then zadkiel, lynn, junwei and i were told to teach the sec2s and 3s how to do a layout, while sir teaches the sec1s repelling/absailing. (:
then, after that they were dismissed to go bathe and to sleep. we went back to our classroom, and rest for awhile. at 12am, we went to take a bathe. after bathing, zadkiel, lynn, junwei and i cooked our somewhat supper, mushroom soup and bread! weeehheee~ :D they came over our room to eat and sleepover. hahaha. it was fun sia cooking. funny. even when we were eating, i dont know why but junwei and i kept laughing over stupid matters. hahahahaha! :D
3rd day ;
well, the 3rd day, basically was just the PLC handover, and bring down those camp developments and keeping it back into the scout den. things like that laar. (:
we were dismissed at around like what, 4 or 5plus? yeahh. then jeremy, zadkiel, lynn, junwei, and i went to LP macdonalds. they had their meals. haha. that was where the fun part of day 3 came. i didnt realise that the 5 of us are actually bloody fools and are such jokers. hahaha. and busteds. :D
doesnt the meal above looked very appetizing?

and doesnt the food above makes ur tummy grumbles? hahaha. well, actually, the meal and the food in the two pics above, have been eaten! hahahaa! we actually repacked it, and arranged it in a way that made it looked like as if it has just been newly bought. and know what, for the meal, we actually placed in on an empty table. our reason was to see if anione will be fooled by it.
n knw what? THERE WAS! some actually kept looking at the meal then looked around, thinking who might placed their meal, but wasnt there to eat it. haha. and the other person who was really fooled, was the cleaner. okay, this part, i felt totally apologetic. :/ cos she was an old woman, very small, very cute. she kept her eyes on the tray, but left it alone. then, when we all got up to leave for home, i saw her taking the tray to the counter, asking her colleagues if it was already eaten or not.. and i heard the colleague said "alaa, this one step only la auntie.. "
gees, at first it was funny la. but when i looked at the old auntie, i felt super bad. haha. but the evening with the 4 of them was great la. but anihow, the 4 of them was the ones who made the camp lively for me. (: thanks guys, and lynnie dearest. :D
so till here. (:
good bye people.
baby, you're the best part of my day.
11:44 AM