okay, this post is going to be a quite brief one, just to avoid the blog from being DEAD. though, it seemed like it already is, seeing that ive not update for kinda quite some time. kk, i shall stop blabbering.
urm, school so far has been okayy. quite exhausting, but can tahan fun also laa. everyday, sleep late, wake up early. soooo much work to do, but seems like sooo little time. haisshh. but im slowly getting used to the hectic life la. the life has been so busy, that i dont have anymore time for the beloved ones animore. or, that is what i feel laa. the only time i talk to bad is like when, i cant remember.. gees. i talk to kakak also, its either abt her school day experience, or my school day experience. other than that, its just basically how to do this and that with the laptop, or other general stuffs.
my time spent with him also has been minimised to the maximum minimal. get it? HAHA. which means its the most minimum time i can spend with him already. we only meet like once a week. itu pon for 10minutes? or less than hour. thats also because he sents me home from tuition. thats all the time i can spend with him. cos other times, im busy, or hes working. so yeahh. (: its okayy.
in 3 months to come, id be sitting for my olevels papers. :S ohgoshhh. kayy, dont get me started. i hope this exhausting days and nights that i have to go through pays off laa. cos i can say, im really already trying my best to pay attention in class and get most of my assignments done so that it can be discussed in class. its not my 100% yet, but i know im trying to meet that level asap. kalau tk phm what im trying to say, then forget it. hehh. :D
so yeahh, sorry for not updating as frequent as i used to. id try to update as much as i can. but knowing that my schedule isnt as free as before, id try my best okay? :D hehh. anything people, just contact me through the my phone. no matter how busy i am, im always contactable through the phone. (:
so till here peeps.
take care wherever u go and wherever u are.
so long! :D
*had my olvl mt oral just now afternoon. the questions was tricky and kinda tough. but i think i still managed to pull it through. :/ idk ehh. shitmann.
baby, you're the best part of my day.