Friday, June 05, 2009
boy, is today my happiest day ever or what!
today marks the last paper of term week! PHEW!
it also marks the start of my 2 weeks term break! YEEAAAYYY!
so yeah, i sacrificed my time with my classmates, to help bad and aiz in their filming for FYP. they went town, but i was stuck in a jungle. hahahaa! but nvm, i had just as much fun with the filming group. :D

we, or maybe they, all of them but me, were discussing how to carry out this particular raping scene. gees. best part was, sardine was the raper. -.- with 3 other boys.

the kampung boys who have no aims in life, and are hopeless. hahaha. :D
there. there he was kissing another girl! there he was sniffing another girl! hahaha! okay, d-rama! heart pain, still heart pain ah. but i have to keep telling myself its just filming, and he was told to do so. so yeahh. relek miraa... hmm..
sniff people already, then kene PIAAK! hahahha!! PADAN MUKE!!! =p
then step gangster, girl slap only want to rape. -.-
things were fine after everything is done. i think maybe he can act. bad says he really looks like a raper! hahahaa! maybe because of the hair lah. curly like hell. and messy also.
oh, i think syasya caught us playing pepsi-cola. -.- we were booorrreeed.
so thats it. theres another class outing coming up. and i am sure not to let that go like i did today. hahaha.
goodnigts people. :D baby, you're the best part of my day.
11:53 PM