Wednesday, August 26, 2009

happy or what! today was our last day for exams AND school, for the semester.
-.- but still, HOOORAAAYY! and we decided to go break fast together as a class. :D

all of us went back home to rest. some get themselves some sleep after sleepless nights studying for papers. i met him at poser land at arnd 4 to go tamp 1 to get our stuff. :D then head on the train at arnd 5 to meet with the classmates. the ones who've reached was only wee, khai and i. -.- hahaah.

wahh cheyy. zafirah bergaya lah pada hari ini.. weewiitt! nk impress sape aje tau. ;P my classmates would've understand. :D hehehe, jgn marah firah. joking aje. so by 6, everyone was already there. so, we made a move, a loooooooonnggg walk to the singapore flyer's popeyes.

when we were queing up, shah asked all of us one by one what we were doing at home. some said they were playing computer, some said nothing, most said sleeping, but when shah asked me, i said i was hannah montana-ing. and they all laughed. -.- hahahaah, didnt know it was so funny. and they kept bringing it up. hhahha. cute lah my classmates. :D
we spent some time at popeyes, then we left to walk around the flyer area. took some pics. then walk off towards this particular place. i forgot the name. but its where those gigs were held. dekat ngn esplanade. some beat- something. tsk. frustrating.
slacked there for awhile, it was really nice at night. so breezy :D mcm boleh tido pat situ jugak. haahaha. arnd 10.30, wee, nadh, khai and i left for city hall train. cos the rest already went home earlier. hehh..
so yeah, basically that was it. we had great moments. whenever there's shah and me, u can never win an argument. hahaha. cos we make really good partners. :D we are also partners in doing stupid stuffs. n i really mean stupid. haahhaha! we go up and down the stairs with our legs going the opposite ways and stuffs. mcm2 ah..
but the important thing is we all had fun. :D
so, goodnight everyone.
baby, you're the best part of my day.
11:47 PM