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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

well guess what, i have moved!

ehmiraah.onsugar.com :)

baby, you're the best part of my day. 1:23 AM

Saturday, July 31, 2010

when onsugar turns me off, i go to blogger.

when blogger turns me off, i go to onsugar.

but when both turns me off, i go to no one. =/

baby, you're the best part of my day. 2:18 AM

Sunday, May 30, 2010

my parents are so funny. i suffer a terrible stomach ache after eating lunch with them and baddiew in front of the tv.

bad and i told our parents that we wanted to join Cardio Pilate, then we asked my mom if she wna join us. then she say, "course ape tu? kopi eh?" hahaha! klaka lah siaa! the moment she heard piLATE, she thought of LATTE. hahahaha! i really cant stop laughing!

then we were talking about moustache. ibu then started talking about her teacher dulu had long moustache until the lips that when he eat durian, the durians sticks to his moustache! then i say "eh ibu eat durian with teacher!! mentel-licious eh!" then my dad had to add, "oouhhh. elehh, gatal-licious ehh!!" hahaha! dah pandai bapak aku kacau orang!! hahaha!

okay thats it, back to studying! :D

oh btw, get well soon honey!

baby, you're the best part of my day. 2:47 PM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i love you baby <3
you make me very happy tonight. :)

baby, you're the best part of my day. 12:45 AM

Monday, April 12, 2010

i love my hamster, its the cutest thing in the world! hhaahaah! :D

baby, you're the best part of my day. 7:09 PM

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

haishh. i just feel so angry and mad and disappointed and everything else that has a negative feeling or emotion to it right now!! its irritating when u already have so much plans on what to do today/tmr or whenever, and then the other party or you, or whoever doesnt keep up to it. its frustrating. why make so much plans on what to do and stuffs, but end up not living it up to it? why even bother planning if u dont even wna bother doing it?

frustrating kan org2 mcm gni. if only i have the powers to send strikes of lightnings to people i would have done it. cos thats what i feel like doing. PFFFT.

baby, you're the best part of my day. 1:39 PM

Monday, April 05, 2010

hello everyone! :D hehehehe. yeah i know, the last time i blogged was last year. for awhile i felt like ive lost touch with blogging. but anyway, here i am again. perhaps too bored, thats why the idea of blogging came back. :)

i read a book titled Beautiful Child, and halfway reading, i thought to myself, "hey why not i start to blog again by giving this book a book review?"
so yeah, im done reading the book, and im gna give a review. okay what am i talking.

so let me start, by saying that this book is superbly good and touching! two thumbs up! it is a story of a child (Venus) trapped in silence and a teacher (Ms. Hayden) who refused to give up on her. but along the way, there are other students who has different disabilities that she had to encounter. one of her students is Billy. he's my favourite character in this book. he's so cute and slumber. ive picked out a few scenes to share with you guys, to show how cute Billy is. if not, atleast to me.

scene #1 :

Billy arrived that morning, he was clutching a brightly wrapped blob of a gift.

"this is for you, Teacher. i bought it myself."

"how thoughtful, Billy. thank you so much. i'll really look forward to opening this."

"open it now.."

"dont you think i should wait until christmas?"

no! open it now. i want to watch you open it i want you to see what it is!"

smiling, i undid the ribbon, the irregular-shaped package had been literally mummified in scotch tape, so i picked up the scissors and carefully cut through the wrapping. inside was a statue of a grey cat about a foot high made from glazed pottery.

"how beautiful, Billy. thank you so much."

Billy was grinning ear to ear.
"i bought that myself. i paid my own money for it. know how much it cost?" he didnt wait for a reply,
"one dollar and ninety-nine cents. i bought it at the Dollar store. everything there is supposed to cost a dollar. but this was one of their expensive gifts. and i got it myself with my own money."

"Well thank you so much Billy. i like cats a lot, so im pleased to have such a nice cat statue. when i get home, i'll find a special place to set it up."

"yeah, i thought that." he picked up the cat and caressed it lovingly.
"i thought 'Teacher'd like this.' " he looked up.
"i really did think that. i was thinking of you."

scene #2 :

besides the special class he had to attend to, which was ms hayden's class, he attended AP classes which is for the normal people. but only for a certain subject. kinda like we have different modules... so this AP class of his had a carnival fair, and he invited his friends and teacher from the special class to come over and visit his booth. at this booth, they had this game whereby u hafta pay a few cents to play a game. kinda like charity..? so yeah.. here's what happened.

he reached over and grabbed my arm,
"here, take a chance. me and jesse (another student from the special class) set this one up. take a chance. you can do it for free. i gave Mrs. Sprang (his AP form teacher) a dollar so that all my friends could have a go."

scene #3 :

Billy and Jesse were talking about kids being dead, when the heard the news that Venus was in the hospital, unconscious.

"there's lots of ways you can get dead," Jesse said.

both boys were thoughtful for a long moment, and then Billy looked over at me.
"what happens to you when you die?"

i smiled gently. "i wish i knew, Billy, but i dont."

"you should, you're a teacher." he replied. there wasnt the note of teasing in his voice i'd expected. he looked at me earnestly.

"sadly, just because im a teacher doesnt mean i have the answers to everything. i dont. no one does." i replied.

"but you could look it up.....," he said, his tone rising toward the end of the phrase hopefully.
"isnt there some place special where teachers can look stuff up?"

so basically that is it. but seriously, isnt Billy like the sweetest, cutest, most thoughtful student? i think he is. :) and mind you, he is only nine years old, he had the sleek, sturdy musculature of a weasel and a fierce aggressiveness to match. he has an explosive temper and a very bad mouth. which was the reason why he was transferred to the special class, cos he's always getting into fights. :)

reading this book also reminded me the reason why i am in the course i am now. i mean, not that i have to face with disabled students, cos i dont think they study F&n? but i think i could have some students who are aggressive and short tempered like him. i do have classmates like Billy, say, ZHI GUANG? ahahahah!! :p

okay so thats it, long post it is. but yeah, goodnight. :)

baby, you're the best part of my day. 7:19 PM